1.Life is like a mountain road with a new adventure around every corner.人生犹如山间小路,每个转角都有新的奇遇在等着你。#《摩登家庭》
2.The world is my oyster.天地之间,我自翱翔。#《生活大爆炸》
3.Life will find a way.生命自有出路。#《神秘博士》
4.Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.希望是黑暗中不灭的信念。#《犯罪心理》
5.Perseverance is the soul of success.坚毅是成功的灵魂。#《燃情克利夫兰》
6.Take some responsibility for once in your life.为自己的人生负责。#《十字剑》
7.I'm the king of the world!世界在我脚下。#《好汉两个半》
8.Hard things will happen to us.We'll recover. We Il grow more resilient because of it.苦难在所难免,但我们终会重新站起,而变得更加坚强。# 泰勒·斯威夫特纽约大学2022年毕业典礼演讲
9.Be brave enough to be yourself.勇敢做己!#《加州靡情》
10.I was encouraged by my teachers to explore my curiosity.老师赋予我勇气去探索好奇心。#今日教师节
11.Music has charms.音乐使人心旷神怡。#《黑道家族》
12.Good things happen to good people.好人总会有好报。#《血族》
13.The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.超越恐惧,其他皆不足为惧。# 疯狂动物城
14.Every morning is a miracle.每个早晨都是一个奇迹。#《马男波杰克》
15.You can do things that no one else can.你的能力,与众不同。#《女巫前线:塞勒姆要塞》
16.Keep on going.勇往直前,决不放弃。#《野孩子》
17.The full moon means the full attendance of family members.月圆之际,家人共聚#今日中秋节
18.Love is unpredictabte.Love is creative.爱情是不可预测的,爱情是富有副造性的。#TED:如何更好地讨论爱情
19.Elegance is a journey.飞启优雅之旅。
20.All of human wisdom can be summed up in these two words:wait and hope.
21.What matters is not the temptation, but the fact that you conquered it.重要的不是诱惑本身,而是你战胜了它。#《贝尔戈维亚》
22.Love is our guide.爱,是引领我们前行的灯塔。#《哥谭》
23.I've made something of myself.我闯出了自己的一份事业。井《纸牌屋》
24.To err is human.人非圣贤,孰能无过。#《女于监狱》
25.Tomorrow, we will run faster.明天,我们将跑得更快。#《了不起的盖茨比》
26.We dedicate ourselves to an endless fight against the current.我们在逆境中战斗,永不言弃。#《实习医生格蕾》
27.We stand here together, as one.我们并肩作战,携手共进!#《变形金刚:起源》
28.To create art is to be human.艺术,是人类表达自我的方式。#《剧集版超能陆战队》
29.We seek perfection and settle for nothing less.我们追求完美,绝不退求其次。#TED乔恩·鲍尔斯:追求完美,无惧失败
30.A winner never runs away from a fight!勇者从不惧怕挑战。#《怪诞小镇》